Empowering you with quantitative insights
AI Automation
Risk Indexes
Market Research

Trade Analytics as a Service

We provide backtesting solutions to investors and traders with advanced analytics, enhancing decision-making and market strategies

Cryptocurrency Data

We supply risk and volatility indexes, to enhance understanding of the crypto market dynamics

Financial Market Insights

Research drives everything we do, enabling us to validate our engeneering and deliver financial insights

Alpha Improver

Competitive Advantage for Crypto Exchanges

Alpha Improver report (PDFs and Dashboard) unlocks opportunities from users' trading logs with actionable points to promote systematic, active and robust trading strategies for users


Improve Simulations

Strategy Adjustments

Performance Insights

New Token Listing

AI Recommendations

Strategic Partnerships

About us

We want to provide you with data-driven insights so you can make informed decisions

We focus on uncovering the real meaning behind the data. We believe every analysis, graph, or single number has a story to tell. Hence, we commit to discovering new insights and automating them within our delivered products.

Let's talk how we can help you

Company Number: 8992639286 | VAT-5UE: PL8992639286 | Registered: Poland, Wrocław 53-129 Sudecka Str. 114/10

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